One day in a Hospital.
Atul : Assalamualaikum ( Knock The Door)
Evilia: Waalaikumsalam. Can I help you? (open the Door)
Atul: I want to check my pregnant.
Evilia: Please sit down here miss?
Atul: Oke, Thank you. J
Evilia : My name is Evilia. I’m Midwife who has shift at this morning. Is it first time you check in this Hospital miss?
Evilia: Oke, before checking, I will ask some questions. Do you agree?
Atul: Yes miss, I agree
Evilia: Bissmillahirohmannirohim. W and the name of hat Is your name?
Atul: My name is Wardiatul Makiah. You can call me Mrs. Atul
Evilia: How old are you?
Atul: I’m 25 years old.
Evilia:  And how old your husband?
Atul: He is 28 years old
Evilia: What is your religion?
Atul: My religion is Islam
Evilia: what is your tribe?
Atul: My tribe is same as my husband that is Sasak
Evilia: What your last education?
Atul: My last education is S1 Mathematic teacher education. And my husband is S2 business Management.
Evilia: What is your occupation?
Atul: I’m a teacher in Senior High School.
Evilia: And your husband?
Atul: My husband is Lecture in Indonesian University.
Evilia: Where do you live?
Atul: I live in Street Puntodewo number 56
Evilia: My I know your phone number
Atul: yes. 085758524795
Evilia: What is your complaint?
Atul: I felt ever headache and queasy.
Evilia: when was the first time you had your period
Atul: when I was 15 years old
Evilia: How many days of period do you have regularly?
Atul: It is about 7-10 days
Evilia: How many times do you changes bandage in a day when you have period?
Atul: 3 times in the day
Evilia:  when was the first day of last menstrual period?
Atul: two month ago
Evilia: Do you have any complaint?
Atul: No.
Evilia: I’m sorry to ask this sensitive question, but we have to ask you this. Is your marriage status legal?
Atul: yes it is legal status.
Evilia: How many times have you got married?
Atul: just once.
Evilia: how old you and your husband when you got married?
Atul: I twenty three years old and my husband twenty six years old
Evilia: how long have your marriages been now?
Atul: is running two years
Evilia: What previously you’ve been pregnant?
Atul: Never. 
Evilia: Do you have been TT immunization? And how many times?
Atul: yes. Once when we will take married
Evilia: do you feel any move of the fetal inside your womb?
Atul: Never
Evilia : Do you have any complaint?
Atul: I felt morning sickness
Evilia : Don’t  worry because its normally situation. Do you have surgical operation?
Atul: yes, caesarian operation five month ago.
Evilia: where you got caesarian operation and what for?
Atul: in Sardjito’s Hospital for appendix section.
Evilia: There is generative disease in your family or your husband’s family? Like DM or TBC?
Atul: Nothing. Our family is good health.
Evilia: Have you ever used contraception?
Atul: has never been
Evilia: Do you plan to use contraception?
Atul: yes. I plan to use contraception after giving birth.


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Mini Cex (Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise) dan Form Mini Cex